
About us

Clean Energy Generated From Natural Resources!

We are a clean green energy technology company based out of Baltimore Maryland. Our focus is to pragmatically solve challenges utilizing resources readily available to reach practical scientific solutions. Our lead product is an onsite, containerized green ammonia production system, for use across a broad spectrum of industries and applications.

At green ammonia technologies, we are  disrupting traditional ammonia market by offering a unique mix of scientific research, engineering fabrication, project development, discovery of real scientific solutions, resources and investments for a clean energy future with clean green ammonia generated from natural resources.


Produce Your Own Clean Energy Save
The Environment

Who We Are

We are Green Ammonia Technologies. A Green Energy Company...

Our Vision

Reduce Carbon emission through our carbon free ammonia products...

Lead Product

Containerized green ammonia production plant...

Global Impact

Research, scale, grow and make a lasting impact...


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Leadership Team