We are Building a Sustainable Future

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Our onsite, containerized Green Ammonia production system disrupts the traditional ammonia industry. Our system requires less energy to produce compared to grey ammonia. That reduced energy requirement is a game-changer, keeping operating costs down. Green Ammonia Technologies offers all of the utility of ammonia without the pollution from its production – at an affordable and steady price.

Our production system takes air, water and a sustainable electricity source to produce Green Anhydrous Ammonia. The system comprises a nitrogen generator to produce nitrogen from air, a water electrolyzer to produce hydrogen from water, and a novel synthesis convertor to produce Green Ammonia from the hydrogen and nitrogen. Our provisional patent is for the Green Ammonia synthesis convertor technology.



Onsite Small Scale Green Ammonia Plant

Our onsite containerized small scale ammonia plant can produce 200 metric tones of ammonia annually.

what we do

Fostering Growth
of Ammonia Energy!

Green Ammonia Technologies - The future of ammonia manufacturing