
Why we Need More Ammonia to Feed the Word

With more than 7.6 billion mouths to feed on planet Earth, and the figure is set to reach 9.8 billion by mid-century, according to a United Nations prediction, there’s a need for food security in many parts of the world. Greater access to fertilizer is the key to feeding communities

Ammonia, NH3, is a nitrogen fertilizer that is stable, readily available for plant uptake, and does not release carbon dioxide gas. Plants absorb more nitrogen than any other element, making it possibly the most important nutrient when it comes to growing crops

Over 80% of the world’s food supply relies on ammonia-based fertilizer.
Ammonia-treated crops experience greater yields.
About 80% of the world’s ammonia is produced for agricultural fertilizers (i.e.) that is over 200 million metric tons per year.

How Green Ammonia is the Solution

Through technology and scientific research,

Although ammonia itself does not contain carbon molecules, ammonia is traditionally manufactured by carbon emitting industries, its transported across state line as and continents. Old traditional ammonia making process uses natural gas hydrocarbons (hydrogen carriers that do contain carbon), creating millions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. From every step of the supply chain process before the ammonia reaches the farm to be used as fertilizer, carbon dioxide is emitted to the atmosphere.

“Green ammonia is a zero-carbon fertilizer for high nitrogen requiring crops, such as corn, wheat and soybean.”

With on site containerized small scale ammonia plant, it enables the consumer, (be it the farmer or commercial industry) to economically produce ammonia on site, cutting the carbonized supply chain thus reducing the  upstream CO2 emissions and be independent of the volatile market prices.

With onsite containerized small scale plant, one can increase the production level by increasing the stack-able and scalable modular units. Decrease the cost high cost of production because green energy uses natural energy.